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6/20 Craig's Where to Ride

PostPosted: Sat Jun 20, 2020 10:11 am
by Craig Goudie
Limited wind today. Maybe scratch out some planers at UL in the 8/16M range
around 6PM, or try Sulfur for marginal 6M/12M conditions 1 until 4.

Tomorrow, Stronger 7/14M NW conditions at UL on the dinner sesh, or
pretty good 6/12M conditions at Sulfur PM and air temps up there in the 70s.

Monday looks like yet another planable dinner sesh at UL.


If you feel your sailing is essential(and frankly in my case it is essential to
good marital relations), research your launch for access. Remember
that staying at home is the safest probabilistically and if you do choose to go out
follow the Governor's Social Distancing rules. As I say in my
general disclaimer, these forecasts are for entertainment purposes only