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8/30/19, Sulfur, 7.0/112L/135L

PostPosted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 2:29 pm
by kenonstott
Every weather forecast was saying go to Sulfur and that there would be no wind at Grants. So, when I saw Greg got a good sesh at Grants and I had sat at Sulfur from 1:00 to 3:00 with no wind I was really 2nd guessing my decision. Several kiters had already launched from the north shore and had the kites drop to the water. One got stuck in the middle of the lake for what seemed like 15 minutes with the kite laying lazily on the water. But finally a little after 3:00 the clouds started clearing and the wind started increasing. Had a great sesh on the 7.0/135L until 5:00. That is when the clouds had finally burned off. Suddenly it went to 20mph and I had to flatten out the sail and grab my 112 speed board and began ripping shore to shore. Sailed until 6:00 and was grinning ear to ear. 3 kiters and a kite foiler launched from the north shore while it was just me and 2 fishermen at the south launch. Great afternoon afterall. Glad I was going the direction I was back to Salt Lake. Heavy traffic south on mirror lake highway and I-80 all the way to Evanston looked like I-15 at peak rush hour with boats, and trailers, and 4 wheelers everywhere. The eastbound lane turning toward Jordanelle was backed up all the way to Kimball junction.