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8/17/23, Grants, 7.0/112L/135L

PostPosted: Thu Aug 17, 2023 6:32 pm
by kenonstott
I looked at the wind readings at 5:00, 5:30, and 6:00 and gave it a thumbs down each time. But at 6:30 the airport had come back to 10mph and there was a 18mph gust on Grants South. Not much wind on the way there and I was pretty sure I would just be turning around when I got there. But nice windlines got me on the lake by 8:30 having to pump each time to get going but planning every trip across. It got better the longer I sailed. There was a short dip at 9:30 then it came back even stronger. I switched down to the smaller board and just kept ripping until near 11:00 (really surprised it didn’t stop abruptly at 10:00 like it has been the last couple of times). Peak winds of 20g26 had me thinking 6.0 but glad I didn’t sucker in for that. Just me and 3 fishermen.